Why Conservatives are also Criticizing Trump?
An interesting thing is happening lately. That is, right-wingers have now joined Trump and critics of 'Trumpism'. By right, I'm not talking about flexible right, alternative right, evangelical right, or racist right. I'm talking about right-wingers who are known to be mainstream conservatives and have worked for the Republican Party in past presidential elections or voted for the Republican nominee.
Such general conservatives who support the Republican Party and have supported Trump in the last election but have now become anti-Trump include journalists David Fram (former US President George W. Bush's lecturer) and Peter Weiner and many members of the Lincoln Project. The group also includes regular New York Times columnists Ross Doutat, known as conservative columnists, and Brett Stephen or Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post. They have been writing critically about Trump's work recently and are provoking controversial debates on various aspects of Trumpism.
The question is, why did they start?
I don't think anti-Trump conservatives are as stubborn as the Left. They are more liberal than the Left in criticizing their own ideological camp. Liberals have been criticized from the very beginning for their rhetoric and childish activities. But Trump's remarks were not a major blow to the Conservatives.
Conservatives, that is, real conservatives, are usually orthodox supporters of institutions. They actually want to preserve tradition and American values. That's why real conservatives realize more than liberals that Trump is not a real conservative, he doesn't believe in preserving American values, he's destroying them. If he had any ideological position at all, he would have got the status of a revolutionary.
The anti-Trump criticism of the far left is not very effective in the real sense. Because, they have failed to expose the main harmful aspects of Trump. They dismiss Trump as inferior, obscene, rotten, fat-headed. They have failed to show the Americans that Trump, who defends the rich, the white and the masculine, is a symptom of the decay that is deeply entrenched in America's liberal democracy. Many feel that Joe Biden, Trump's opponent in the next election, is relatively little acceptable, but nothing will happen with Joe Biden.
Many of the anti-Trump conservatives do not want to compromise on the Republican tradition. Many neo-conservatives are angry that Trump, as the incumbent president, is not doing what the United States has always done to establish US-style democracy in many parts of the world. They were staunch supporters of the Iraq war. As supporters of US-style democracy, they see Trump as a threat to the world.
In other words, they think that Trump's withdrawal from the world system is leading to the loss of US leadership on the one hand, and the failure to develop US-style democracy in different countries on the other. The United States will lead the world with its imperialist appearance, and the world will look upon the United States with as much fear as possible — this is the real desire of the Conservatives. They no longer think that Trump can fulfill that demand. That's why Trump is now their big headache.
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