Who spread the coronavirus - the United States, China or Britain? Did it actually enter the human body from the body of an animal, or was it intentionally spread from the laboratory of a germ weapon?

Where did the coronavirus come from, how did it spread - all conspiracy theories. As the infection spreads, so do the conspiracy theories.

Not only are social media the subject of these conspiracy theories, but some mainstream media in some countries are also propagating these theories.

These conspiracy theories are coming mainly from the United States, Russia, China and Iran. Although the governments of these countries are not directly behind this, they are getting a place in the words of some people related to the government and in the media.

Who is suspecting whom?

Arrows of suspicion from inside China and Iran towards the United States.

People are constantly writing and sharing on social media inside China that the United States has spread the virus in China as a germ weapon to punish China.

Not just on social media, a Chinese diplomat pointed out directly in a post on his Twitter account that a team from the U.S. military that came to Wuhan to take part in a sports competition in October last year had spread the virus.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, also posted a video clip of Robert Redfield, head of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in front of a US congressional committee on March 11. In the footage, Mr. Redfield talks about some influenza-induced deaths in the United States.

Although Mr Redfield did not say when the deaths occurred, the Chinese diplomat posted the video clip on Twitter, adding, "The CDC has been caught. When did the first patient die in the United States? How many people were infected? In which hospitals? They brought that virus ... Be transparent. Tell people the truth. I want an explanation from the United States. "

Mr Zhao's tweet was broadcast on Chinese state-run CCTV. It is also printed in the Global Times.

Also, several scientists from inside China say that although the coronavirus epidemic started in China, the virus did not originate in China.

Iran's finger is pointed at America

The virus is believed to be made in the United States, as well as in China and Iran.

Even Maj. Gen. Hussein Salami, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, has directly said that the coronavirus is a US-made germ weapon.

The last five March J. Salami said the United States had carried out "germ-weapon terrorist attacks" first against China and later against Iran.

The next day, Heshmatullah Fatalhatpishe, an influential member of Iran's National Security Committee, remarked, "Trump and Pompeo are lying about Corona ... it's not a common disease, it's a germ-weapon attack against Iran and China."

Russia's role

In addition to social media from inside Russia, these allegations of China and Iran are being spread in various media related to the Russian government.

A two-month investigation by an EU monitoring team as of March 16 found 70 pieces of evidence that coronavirus propaganda was being carried out in the media close to the Kremlin, according to a confidential report leaked to the European Union.

Britain is also being blamed for spreading the virus in various Russian media.

A government-backed radio station, Sputnik, aired a program in which Britain said it could have forced China to open up the market after Brexit.

In a popular Russian TV talk show (The Big Game), a Russian microbiologist named Igor Nikulin said that Britain had created this corona 'weapon'.

"A laboratory in Portown, (UK) has been working for a long time to make various germs and chemical weapons," he said.

However, the Russian government has claimed that it has nothing to do with these statements.

America's arrow is towards China

Coronavirus conspiracy theories have spread inside America as well.

President Trump himself goes on to say that the Corona virus is China's work, they are responsible.

Many people who are known to be supporters of Mr. Trump openly say that coronavirus is a germ weapon made in China.

Joan Wright, a Republican politician from California who is preparing for the congressional election, tweeted, "This coronavirus was created in the Wuhan Laboratory, and Bill Gates assisted the Chinese in that study."

He later deleted the tweet in the face of criticism.

But there is no end to the conspiracy theories about the coronavirus on various far-right social media sites in America.